March of Dimes: Signatures

Dallas-basaed TM created this for the Dallas chapter of March Of Dimes, the non-profit that a lot of people have heard of, but aren't sure what they do.

In fact, not only are people unaware that March Of Dimes raises money for research to help ensure all babies have a chance to be born healthy, they also aren't aware that their biggest fundraiser, Signature Chef's Auction is key to ensuring money gets raised.

To TM's thinking, Signature Chef's Auction crates signature dishes, the same way someone's signature is a pledge to help.

Centered around the tagline "Amazing things happen when you give your signature,” these peeps created a baby made out of people's signatures for use in collateral, postcards, and their website where visitors could add their own (electronic) signature, too.

While the event was held back in October, it was such a success, the March of Dimes is going to implement it at the state level. And there are talks to make it a national initiative. I say that's a no-brainer. Do it, guys. Help the babies.

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