Making a big splash in insurance advertising......

Oh my, you know when people tell you to THINK BIG when it comes to advertising ideas? The team at TM Advertising, Irving, Texas, USA took this beautifully literally when doing an outdoor stunt for Nationwide Insurance.

They covered the entire parking lot with a paint spill, seemingly from the paint buckets in the photographs on their building billboards. Nice touch with the paint covered VW still parked too.

TM Advertising, Irving, Texas

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kurtberengeiger's picture

I like the immensity of this, but the "flow" of the paint spill just doesn't really work for me. Especially on the booth in the parking area... But then, I'm no AD either...

Wendall's picture

Neato. I want to see more "3d" advertising like this.

smizzly_bob's picture

Can people still park in the painted over spaces or was the whole lot made useless?

Dabitch's picture

I think people would get pretty pissed off if they couldn't park due to an ad....