Mail and Guardian - Roboku mailer - DM, South Africa

TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris, Johannesburg created this mailer for the Mail and Guardian. With it, they've invented what is likely the most mind-boggingly difficult game ever - Roboku. Aaargh!
They explain:

In order to seek out the future bright talent of the journalism industry, the Mail and Guardian sent out a direct mailer to the near graduates of various tertiary education facilities.
The direct mailer arrived in a with a line written on the lid "If this is for you". Inside the box was a piece of paper that read "Then you are for us". At the back of this paper was a request to send CV's to the Mail and Guardian's HR department. Resting underneath this paper was a Rubik's Cube, but not just any ordinary one. This Rubik's Cube contained six games of Sodoku that needed to be re-assembled in order to be complete, therefore challenging these future journalists and letting them know that only those who are willing to rise up to a difficult challenge need apply for a job at the Mail and Guardian.

Damon Stapleton (Executive Creative Director)
Adam Weber (Creative Director)
David Joubert (Art Director)
Lauren Shewitz (Copywriter)

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