Mad magazine spoofs Economist "light bulb" poster, in reverse.

Mad Economist Spoof

Mad magazine and ad agency Serviceplan in Germany have revived the Economist "light bulb" people sensor poster from way back in a spoof sure to make all adgrunts giggle a little. See, in the Economist poster, the light bulb came on when a person passed underneath it. In the MAD version, it shuts off. Har har har! A bit self-referental for my taste, but advertising people are probably the only consumer group who still buy Mad magazine and old Far Side cartoons so I'll let it slide. ;)

The Economist Lightbulb
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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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joelapompe's picture

I love it!
The funny thing is that some people sent it to me saying "hey, man look, it's a huge copycat!" because they didn't get it at first sight :-)

Dabitch's picture

Hahaha, that's funny. Props to BBDO for making such a memorable poster in the first place.