Macquarie Dictionary - Phubbing A Word is Born - (2013) 2:30 (Australia)

McCann Melbourne are at it again, this time they're inventing words instead of dumb ways to die, and seeding the word around the world. At the end of the case study, the success of this word is a reminder that dictionaries, in particular the Macquarie Dictionary , are really really useful things.

The invented word: Phubbing. Ignoring the person in front of you in favor of your smart phone.

Now, in the era of fast-track everything, smartphone this, and a tablet in every room including the loo, I could totally see this as being used for selling a service from Macquarie Dictionary. A service that say, was a subscription dictionary app. Every fortnight or so, whenever new words were born in their brainstorming sessions or found in the wild, the dictionary would update and tell me about things like phubbing. I would totally subscribe to this because that sounds like a great service, useful for any wordsmith, learner and language fan. In fact, it sounds like the future of dictionaries. Do it, Macquarie Dictionary. That idea is free of charge, as long as I can call myself your agency of record and get the credit, and it's ripe for the picking right now.

Ad agency: McCann Melbourne

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