Lynx Body language

For this lynxmas, daredigital brings us Lynx body language - or at least the alphabet. Just write a message and watch it being spelled out by the lovely Emma and Paulina.

Just pop over to and send your own.

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Ah it's like a twist on that Lynx newspaper advert from last week.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Naughty But Very Nice!

Dabitch's picture

just a "live" action version, sorta. :)

Robblink's picture

Absolutely brilliant!

LPikon's picture

OK, at the risk of sounding like the Grinch before Xmas.....

I think this is a classic example of a good (not great) concept extension but HORRIBLY executed.
It takes far too long to build the initial message.... and even longer for the receiver to actually view it.
A mate sent me a Lynxmas Card, and quite frankly after the tortuous amount of time it took for the first letter to build, I just didn't care anymore so left the site....

Anyway - have a happy Christmas everyone :)