Lürzer’s ARCHIVE to mark 25th Anniversary

Lürzer's Archive

"Lürzer’s Archive Ads, TV and Posters worldwide" - a unique bimonthly review dedicated to presenting the best new advertising campaigns from all over the world, now – boasts – being published in German, International, European, Chinese and US editions – a total circulation of 45,000 and an aggregate audience of 152,000 readers.

Founded in 1984 in Frankfurt by Walter Lürzer formerly CEO, and partner at numerous
globally active advertising networks and an award-winning doyen of the advertising industry, the magazine is head-quartered in Vienna, has a further office in New York, and clients around the world.

Each 160-page issue features 70 to 80 of the world's best new print campaigns and short synopses of 50 TV commercials, dated and classified by individual product groups.

Since 1998 Lürzer’s ARCHIVE Specials has been publishing head turning international work from those areas of graphic design in which groundbreaking trends first see the light of the day: music, packaging design, catalogues & brochures, commercial illustration, and photography.

With each volume numbering over 250 pages, the specials feature more than 400 works
from the respective discipline covered. Lürzer’s Archive is known by creatives throughout the world as the leading ad industry compendium, each issue featuring the pick of the crop of outstanding print and TV campaigns.

Lürzer’s Archive 25 Years Issue

No fewer than 35,000 ads and posters have
appeared since the launch of Lürzer’s Archive.

To mark the 25th anniversary of our publication,
we therefore decided that it was time to
Review the past quarter of a century. Naturally, all
of the past work featured is among
advertising’s crème de la crème, yet there are
some quite exceptional items that stand out
even after all these years. These you will now
find in the "25 Years of . Lürzer’s Archive"
special, all of them grouped into the now familiar
LA categories. Additionally, leading ad industry
figures such as George Lois, John Hegarty, Tim
Delaney and a further 22 of the top names Lürzer’s
Archive has interviewed over the past quarter of
a century were invited to respond to a question:
What is the biggest single change to have
affected advertising over the last 25 years?

Look forward to reading their 25 fascinating replies -
and to 25 years of exceptional advertising.

25th Anniversary Party

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Lürzer’s Archive, we will be throwing a unique
worldwide online party right across all time zones. Join us and other ad industry greats to share in an advertising bash the likes of which will never been seen before. The twin
“epicentres” of the party will be New York and Vienna

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