Love Films spot the movie title

Neo nailed it . Here's another "spot the X" similar to the Stella Artois' print campaign with the hidden films and Virgin's spot the band name game, and most recently the Absolut puzzle where you hunt for the vodka bottles.

Love Film celebrates the 100th edition of their weekly newsletter with the desktop image where you must spot the film titles. Either go here to get one or click on the small image above to see what the fuss is about. In the image you'll find Twelve monkeys, Toy Story, Mona Lisa and Napelon Dynamite - etcetera.

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Yeah I know, it's kinda a badlander but I just can't be bothered, found so many today. This one was too easy.

Neo's picture

Thin Red Line
Anchor Man
Blazing Saddles
Money Pit
12 Monkeys
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Dances with Wolves
Saw/Saw 2
Toy Soldiers
Green Card
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
1 Hour Photo
Phone Booth
The Scorpion King
Shark Tale
Snake Eyes
Broken Arrow
Layer Cake
American Grafitti
Four Weddings and a Funeral ... yeah and what you said.