Live from the PS5: increased bizarre activity globally: Thor's hammer spotted in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Remember when the Leviathan Axe from the God of War smashed into the banks of the River Thames?, that combined with "Live from PS5" commercial kicked off a global campaign.

Now bizarre events are occurring in Belgium and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, enormous strange footprints were discovered on the beach of Scheveningen. Naturally, this strange event was reported on "Live from PS5", together with a report of an enormous PS5 appearing in Rome, and Kratos and the Leviathan Axe appearing in South Korea.

strange footprints on the beach of Scheveningen.
Strange footprints on the beach of Scheveningen.

But wait, there's more, an enormous glowing hammer suddenly crashed down on the Grote Markt in Mechelen, Belgium. And shortly after that, it vanished again.

A mysterious glowing hammer was seen crashing on the Grote Markt in Mechelen.

All around the world, strange events were being reported by the teams at "Live from the PS5." There was a report of Thor's hammer in Mechelen, and reports of alien crop patterns left in a field after a huge explosion in Finland, where a lone astronaut was found wandering around said field.

After the sudden disappearance of the hammer in Mechelen, it appeared again on the Meir in Antwerp, slammed straight into a set of billboards advertising PS5 games. Fancy that.

Thor's Hammer "Mjölnir" crashes down in Antwerp

Campaign: PlayStation x Live from PS5
Ad agency: TBWA

Client - PlayStation: Bernard Groeneveld

Creative Team at TBWA:

Creative Director: Steven Janssens
Art Director: Jannes Deschacht
Copywriter: Wouter Vochten
Designer: Sebastien Tirot

Account Team
Client Services Director: Jochen De Greef
Account Executive: Gabrielle Marsan

Productie: MAKE
Director: Marco Bellusci
DOP: Bas Van Hoof
Post-producer: Leslie Verbist
Producer: Polly Seynaeve & Audrey Dierckx
Offline/Online editor: Sebastiaan Schols

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Sport's picture

I appreciate event stunts, but this feels like a tamer version of 2005 when they were exciting and new. Better executed, mind you.

Imanaddy's picture

Yes, event ads like this used to be huge. But I always loved them. It's just that they never happen where I live.