Little Baby's Ice Cream-- "This is a Special Time," "Love Lickers."

Love is a feeling. And that feeling, my friends, is akin to the feeling you get watching Eraserhead for three days straight whilst being high on Opium and Bath Salts.

Oh, and it's also apparently how you feel when you eat Little Baby's Ice cream.

Little Baby's Ice Cream - Love Lickers - (2012) :30 (USA)

Judging by the looks of it, they're a small batch ice cream shop that just opened a proper store. "Small batch," for those unfamiliar with marketing lingo, is another way of saying "expensive" and "artisan." Think flavors like Cantaloupe Creamsicle, Pizza, Earl Grey Sriracha and Hipster Honeysuckle. Okay, I made the last one up.

Question is, does the video make you wanna eat their ice cream? No? Well how about this one?

Little Baby's Ice Cream "This is a Special Time"

These spots are so wonkadoodle, and disgusting and weird. They're delightful! They are so intriguing It makes me sad their website is so unbelievably pedestrian.

Next time I'm in Philly I might just hafta get me some. I'll just pay real close attention to make sure my scoop's not laced with anything.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Very weirdly cool.

Dabitch's picture

Like certain Lynch films, this will probably never leave my head, and the recall of the images makes my stomach churn.

Not sure if that would make me buy their ice-cream, but I sure as hell remember these ads.

Karim bahaa 's picture

Nice pic