Listen up: The Fast Talking man is back!

JetBlue needed a "Mr.NonStop" for their latest campaign just to be able to fit the city destinations into a 30 second ad. Who you gonna call? John Moschitta, the speedy spokesman for Fedex and mothermouth for Micro Machines back in the eighties, of course! Often copied, but never quite caught up to, he's still got the gift of galloping gab.

The two ads from Mullen, Boston begin airing this week.

Glodry Days: Fedex 1981
"I know it's perfect that's why I picked Pittsburg Peter, may I call you Pete?"

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JetBlue - Mr. NonStop / gate counter (2011) :30 (USA)

The two ads from Mullen, Boston begin airing this week.

Glodry Days: Fedex 1981
"I know it's perfect that's why I picked Pittsburg Peter, may I call you Pete?"

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