List Lust baby - the countdown of 2007, in list form + a new neighbour in cyberspace called "ad rag"

Time magazine lists the top ten ads of the year, in youtube-vision.

New York Times: A Year for Quick Hits and Fast Flops as Campaigns Broke New Ground

Adweek: Top ten adtrends 2007

Digital media wire: Analysis: The Top 10 Most Overused Metrics of 2007

And of course Campaign has a list of the top ten ad turkeys of 2007 - but if you're not a subscriber Swedish tradepress Resumé has gone and made a youtubefied version of that list.

Adfreak needs your vote to figure out which was the freakiest ad moment of 2007. Go there and cast votes, adgrunts!

Oddest form of flattery (?) this year: Someone has started a site called the Ad Rag where "bad advertising comes to die". That feels oddly familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I guess they couldn't take or even because yaknow, I own those. (Sadly, we had to switch to the domain back in April 2006 because Norton Internet and other adblocking software were blocking our ad-rag domain errounously.)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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adlib's picture

Uhm.. Brandon? That's a nice name you got there buddy. Calling it The Ad Rag. Very, uh, original.

smizzly_bob's picture

Oprah got number one!? Dos Equis' most interesting man in the world was much better. If you ask me Time is afraid of Oprah.

tod.brody's picture

Isn't everyone afraid of Oprah?

smizzly_bob's picture

I'm not sure Hillary Clinton is too afraid of Oprah, but just about everyone else is, yes.