Brand New points to an obvious and silly two part article at Ad Age titled "Keep 'Attention Vampires' Out of Your Ads".
Part One: How to Make Print and Online Ads That Engage. Part Two: How to Make TV Ads That Engage Viewers.
The NY Times reports on The High Price of Creating Free Ads.
BrandFlakesForBreakfast points out the sodding of Trafalgar Square to promote London's open green spaces in a campaign for Visit London by Cake.
Check out the D&AD 2007 winners. Two coveted black pencils were awarded to the website for Nike+ by R/GA in New Uses of Websites and "War Orphans" in Illustration: Press Advertising by Kolle Rebbe Werbeagentur GmbH.
The moon is made of cheese, says google.
sodding? what does that mean? I thought it was a curse, but here it's a verb.
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PermalinkSod=turf, so they were covering with grass or turf.
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PermalinkHehehe, I had the same sodding reaction. ;P
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