Link Lust: Everything was better in the good old days.

The site 1972 olympics showcases the amazing visual identity of the Munich Olympics created by Otl Aicher and his teams’ iconic designs. Posters that are painfully pretty! Even the tickets look good enough to eat. Via the digg-clone that is Researcher.

In the mad men era, men were wise men - as proven by What would Dan Draper do? - my god, the man even rambles on about my brand of cigarettes the way I used to back when it wasn't a mortal sin to admit one smoked. Note to British American Tobacco - you still can't get Pall Mall in London and this is just weird considering there is a place called Pall Mall in London. Fix that stat!

Pall Mall has a slogan: “Wherever particular people congregate.” It’s fine for the converted, but their campaign needs a punch. Look at the coat of arms printed on the front and back of every package of Pall Mall cigarettes. A Latin phrase on the shield, “Per Aspera Ad Astra,” translates as “Through Difficulty to the Stars.” Underneath the shield, a banner reads “In Hoc Signo Vinces” or “In this sign, you will conquer.” Pall Malls are never uncertain - they’re with you in difficult times and in victorious ones. They’re the familiar something you carry with you or follow into battle. A sign, an honest code. A package of Pall Malls is security in your pocket: always there and waiting for your return, like home, wherever it may be. Pall Malls are a taste of home.

(see now why it's so hard for me to stay quit?)

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