Link Lust: Countdown to Cannes Lions leaves us distracted.

I'm hella distracted - so here are links to elsewhere where fun can be found.

This is why we love veer - Kern In Space. Must be said with piiigs in spaaaace tone. Warning: will steal your entire afternoon.

The consumerist illustrates what happens when you are a jerk to the copywriter. Do not mess with people who handle the mighty pen!

Marco Brambilla has created the most awesome elevator ride to hell - or heaven if you are going up. Apparently, a dancing Michael Jackson is part of heaven.... If you think this is cool here on the web, imagine seeing it in the real 3D that they did. I tried calling a booking a room at The Standard Hotel, New York, but they said they didn't take "stock options" as payment, darn.

round off with a little serious edge. Some clients are saving money in all the wrong places. See IdeasonIdeas - Sweatpants forever?

The funny part is that for as price-obsessed as this particular client was, they didn’t seem to have much of a reason for being so. From what I could gather, their offices are spread amongst a couple of floors in what appeared to be a Class A building, and that certainly isn’t inexpensive. Additionally, I believe their staff to number in between fifty and a hundred members, and no one appeared to be financially burdened. So why did a budget that wouldn’t have even matched a month’s rent seem more terrifying to them than one of those chainsaw-wielding murderers so common in eighties horror flicks?
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