Link Lust: Adland next to Mad Men, This is your design on drugs, & New tool for undrln

Stumbling through the web I found this review over at Slate: Why we say yes to drugs which reviews This Is Your Country on Drugs: The Secret History of Getting High In America., and I stopped in my tracks because i love that cover.

America will never shake those "This is your brain on drugs" frying egg ads. Though personally, I prefer the Partnership for a Drug-Free America: Heroin where the woman goes nuts smashing the eggs and everything else.

Big thanks to the Perlorian Brothers who totally made my morning by spotting adland in the New York Times, even if it just a teeny link to the Clorox Machines History commercial, we love seeing our URL near anything Mad Men. ;) The Perlorian Brothers rock, my favorite ad that they have done is probably the multi-award winning Vim Prison Visitor which cracks me up to this day.

Remember born last fall as a "digg for advertising, design and marketing"? Well, since the community votes on any design or marketing-relevant links they find the most compelling, it's a good way to drive some traffic to your extra-good blog posts, and now they've released a new tool that allows people to vote for your stories directly from your site. Using it is easy, just go to for tech details.

src="">Partnership for a Drug-Free America: Heroin where the woman goes nuts smashing the eggs and everything else.

Big thanks to the Perlorian Brothers who totally made my morning by spotting adland in the New York Times, even if it just a teeny link to the Clorox Machines History commercial, we love seeing our URL near anything Mad Men. ;) The Perlorian Brothers rock, my favorite ad that they have done is probably the multi-award winning Vim Prison Visitor which cracks me up to this day.

Remember born last fall as a "digg for advertising, design and marketing"? Well, since the community votes on any design or marketing-relevant links they find the most compelling, it's a good way to drive some traffic to your extra-good blog posts, and now they've released a new tool that allows people to vote for your stories directly from your site. Using it is easy, just go to for tech details.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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