Life on the hillbilly "ecological meat" farm (Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest)

Look ma, no arms! L-R director Linda Callenholt, Creative/AD Gustav Egerstedt and director Oskar Bård
The theme of this years Elma Horror movie fest is Hillbilly horror, and that lent itself to this idea in spreading the word about the festival. The creatives from Saatchi & Saatchi Stockholm and Directors from Hobby film went north to films lots of blood, gore and laughing hillbillies, plus one explosion. Part 1 and part 2 (below) worked as teasers on youtube and encouraged people to "like" the festival on Facebook so that they'd save the armless man. Turns out they're lying, in film 2 they simply blow him up.

Here's the long 'feature' which is a mockumentary from the "farm" where they "produce ecological meat"... by luring city folk to their farm with a clever sign announcing "Danish Design Furniture Flea Market" by the road. Oh, those hillbillies know how to catch a sucker. Also starring in the film is one chainsaw, one goat, 45 liters of fake blood, 2 kilos of dynamite and several budding actors from the nearby city of Sundsvall.

Since the budget was really tight on these (as you can tell), the creative Gustav Egerstedt is the poor man who gets his arms chopped off.

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Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest - Hillbillies part 1 - (2011) Sweden

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