Life is Good "The power of optimism" (2018) 1:30 (USA)

Optimism is powerful. So powerful in fact that it can fill a glass of water. So says lifestyle brand Life Is Good, who with the help of an EEG-powered machine and some volunteers set out to show that thinking positively can have some big results. This is all backed up by research that an optimistic outlook is associated with better psychological and physical health. This should come as no surprise to anyone but its' still neat to see it in progress.

The Power of Optimism Machine is the creation of Toronto-based creative agency, The Garden and was developed by Toronto-based creative digital production studio ThinkingBox. The machine uses Emotiv's open library of commands to create a signal that is sent to a tap that integrates with an arduino microcontroller and computer through bluetooth. This signal then passes through the computer and Arduino to the tap’s on/off switch.

Client: Life Is Good
Senior Brand Director: Joanne Fletcher

Creative Agency: The Garden
Creative Director: Shane Ogilvie
Strategy Director: Shari Walczak
Strategist: Sarah Phillips
Art Director: Rosalinda Graziano
Copywriters: Erin Beaupre
Project Cultivator: Mike Kovacs
Design Director: Omar Morson
Producer: Mike Kovacs

Technology Partner: Thinkingbox
Production: Andy Wadsworth, Christine Clark, Al Gayle

Director of Photography: Darrin Klimek
Editor: Brett Erina
Audio House: Grayson Matthews

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