Libra Invisibles - Wonder Man - (2010) :30

Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne decided to do a product demonstration with a twist, bored with the usual animations of how wings help pads stay in place, they used doofus dude instead who spends an afternoon tuning himself into some sort of pad-superhero. Maybe he thinks they'll make him invisible? Like Wonder Woman's plane! He is doing the wonder woman deflecting bullet move.

Client: SCA
Agency: Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne
Production Company: Prodigy Films
Director : Tim Bullock

James McGrath (Executive Creative Director)
Josh Robbins (Creative Director)
Josh Robbins (Art Director)
Josh Robbins (Copywriter)
Jame Larkin (Producer)
Digital Pictures (Post production)
Jason Byrne (Agency Producer)
Adam Wills (Editor)
Final Sound (Sound mixing)

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xcreativity's picture

ahahah love it! well done!

AnonymousCoward's picture
