Levi's - Creek - (1994) 0:90 (UK)

Two young women find a man has taken off his jeans and is bathing in the creek.

For search purposes - Levi - Levis - Levi's.

Client: Levi Strauss & Co Europe SA
Directors: Vaughan & Anthea

Ad Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Creative Director: John Hegarty
Copywriter: Nick Worthington
Art Director: John Gorse

Producer: Adam Saward
Agency Producer: Philippa Crane

Editor: Duncan Shepherd
Lighting Cameraman: Joseph Yacoe

Music Composer/Arranger: Peter Lawlor
Rock song: "Inside" by Stiltskin

Production Company: Lewin & Watson

European Marketing Manager: Rob Holloway

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I still remember how WOWed I was the first time that I saw this ad.