Lara Fischman joins Troika as Account Director

Lara Fischman has has been hired as Account Director at strategic branding and marketing innovations agency Troika. Lara was previously Group Director of Account Management at Siegel+Gale.

In addition to responsibilities of managing and growing relationships with some of Troika’s key clients Laura will also work to develop new business and supporting the strategic growth of the company. She will work closely with the Accounts team, consulting with clients to cultivate business solutions.

While at Siegel+Gale, Lara developed a team of account managers and helped Fortune 50 clients navigate large-scale branding programs. Her experience in brand consulting and advertising rungs the gamut of categories including entertainment, tech, travel, finance, automotive, home goods, agriculture and utilities. She managed work spanning from brand strategy and brand architecture development, employee engagement, visual and verbal identity and brand activation. Prior to Siegel+Gale, Lara managed accounts of global brands for independent boutique advertising firms in the Los Angeles area.

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Congratulations, Lara!! Those lucky people...