La Fondation du Children - Longue vie aux tannants / Long live the terrors (2020) 2:30 (Canada)

Cossette has created an ad that is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster. We're following in the footsteps of a child who is an absolute little terror, drawing on walls, jumping in bed, making a mess and not slowing down for anything. She sprays water everywhere, she's Speedy Gonzales, she's 100% turbulence, a force of nature. Just as her antics are really starting to grate and I'm quietly thinking "good grief, what a brat", something slows her down - and she's taken to a children's hospital.

This sudden turn makes the sun glow grey and the story slows to a snails pace. It's serious, she's ill, she has no appetite, she loses her hair. I, along with her greiving parents, begin to miss her drawing on walls days. A message to support children's hospitals very well told, and with excellent sound design. 

Ad agency: Cossette

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