Koskenkorva "The great wall" (2016) 1:22 (Finland)

Koskenkova is vodka from a village. It is also the makers of an app called Vodka Farmer, that was quite successful. As way of thanks, the farmers in the village decided to build a Vodka Farmer hall of fame. It's cute. Also, I have am unhealthy obsession with Finland and its wonkadoodle ways. Just listen to the language. How in the hell could anyone not from Finland ever learn it?

Client: Koskenkorva
Agency: Bob the Robot
Creative Director and Storywriter: Toni Tiusanen
Copywriter: Toni Tiusanen, Kari Eilola
Art Director: Lasse Kangasmaa
Account Director: Maija Silamo
Producer: Nina Miettinen

Client: Altia Plc. / Koskenkorva Vodka
Category Brand Manager: Suvi Reinikkala
Category Director: Kirsi Puntila

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