KONE make elevators and escalators and they know full well that most accidents in either are caused by people ignoring the tiny things that cause them. "Finnish elevator company KONE wanted to make a safety campaign about this issue - both internal and external. How do we communicate that without being condescending or preachy?" All I can say after turning into everyones insta-baby-sitter around all escalator is preach on, because by am I ever sick of people not watching their kids, or the tiny things like shoelaces and long flowing dresses as they embark on an escalator ride.
See also Kone Safety Elevators
Copywriter Jonathan Mander
AD Essi Raunamaa
Creative Director Antero Jokinen
Client Team Director Sonja Eiramo
Producer Petra Yli-Hemminki
Woodpeckerfilm Helsinki
Director: Pete Veijalainen
Producer: Hannu Kalliolahti
Sound: Humina