Kmart "Sleep Like a Dog" (2016) :30 (USA)

In which a woman and her dog have a conversation in their sleep, while sleeping like dogs. Kmart sure do love its puns.

AGENCY: Havas Worldwide Chicago
Chief Creative Officer: Jason Peterson
Executive Creative Director: Drew Donatelle
Creative Director: Carlos Fernandez
Associate Creative Director: Addhemar Sierralta
Copywriter: Bob Howe
Art Director: Andrea Keelble
Head of Content, N.A.: Dave Evans
Senior Integrated Producer: Catherine Hudon
Sr. Business Affairs Manager: Ellen Kuratnik
Group Account Director: Chrissy Bouyea
Sr. Project Manager: Otto Linwood III
Account Executive: Joe Hwalek

PRODUCTION COMPANY: m ss ing p eces
Director: Dax Martinez
Executive Producer: Brian Latt
Head of Production: Dave Saltzman
Line Producer: Brooke Gaston Herstein
Director of Photography: Michael Pescasio

Editorial Company: Whitehouse Post
Editor: Brian Gannon: Aftermath and Sleep Like a Dog / Dan Zabinski: Ballad
Sr. Audio Engineer: Todd Beee
Executive Producer: Kristen Branstetter
Post Producer: Lauren Connolly
Colorist, company: Filmworkers
Colorist: Fred Keller (Filmworkers)
Graphic Artist, Company: Jeff Charatz (Filmworkers)
Music Composer (Ballad): Dax Martinez

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