Kid's cancer research foundation "Signs" (2016) :30 (USA)

In this charming, life-affirming spot for the Kids Cancer Research Foundation, we see kids in a park and playground writing "I have cancer," on poster boards only to cross out "have," and change it to "had," and "beat." This was done for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month which was this month, September. Sadly, one of the boys featured in the spot saw his cancer come back. Reid is currently undergoing a new trial treatment partially funded by the Kids’ Cancer Research Foundation. His parents have set up a Facebook page for him. Let's all believe Reid beats cancer for good this time. If you're feeling moved and generous, go to End Kids Cancer which is the Kids cancer Research Foundation's site, and make a donation today.

Agency: RPA
President, CEO: Bill Hagelstein
EVP, CCO: Joe Baratelli
SVP, Chief Production Officer: Gary Paticoff
Creative Director/Copywriter: Dan Roberts
Associate Creative Director/Art: Bang Pham
Account Manager/Producer: Alyse Zigman
Producer: Elijah Jones

Production Company: Bo’s House of Visual Arts
Director: Dan Roberts
Director of Photography: Zach Osterhout
Producer: Alex Johnson

Editorial Company: Bo’s House of Visual Arts
Post Producer: Alex Johnson
Post Producer: Eddie Granado
Editor: Emelie Claxton

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