Kelly Clarkson "Love so soft" (2017) 3:00 (USA)

Catchy pop from Kelly Clarkson in a 1960's surreal world of cool cars, cliff-side houses, fun outfits and at one point um, joined heads. I dunno, Just enjoy the ride.

Music Artist: Kelly Clarkson

Music Label: Atlantic Records
SVP – Music Video & Content Production: Phil Botti
Production Manager: Nina Webb
MGR- Video Admin: Lily Thrall
LSS Manager: Brandon Blackstock
LSS Assistant: Tricia Farrow
Production Company: Freenjoy
Director: Dave Meyers
Assistant Director: Daniel Russell
Executive Producer: Nathan Scherrer
Head of Production: Ben Piety
Producer: Nathan Sherrer

Design/VFX Company: Timber
Creative Directors/Partners: Jonah Hall & Kevin Lau
Executive Producer: Sabrina Elizondo
Producer: Seth Gantman
Associate Producer: Brack Hightchew
Flame Artist: Chris Decristo
Flame Assist: Austin Lewis, Brandon Harden
3D Animation: Jeff Willette
CG: Jeff Willette, Eric Pender, Raphael Protti, Eric Zimmerman
Nuke Compositing: Andrew Ashton, Michael Loney, Jason Forster, Eric Almeras, Francesco Panzieri, Josh Bolin

Editorial Company: Whitehouse Post
Editor: Nick Gilberg

Postproduction Company: Company 3
Colorist: Dave Hussey

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