Kellogg's Nutri-Grain - Mobile (2007) 0:30 (UK)

Is that a horse on the phone?

Agency: Leo Burnett International
Production Company: Anonymous Content

Client: Kellogg's
Spots Title: Mobile
Air Date: November 2007

Agency: Leo Burnett International
CD: Billy Mawhinney
Art Director: Monty Verdi
Agency Producer: Graeme Light

Prod Company: Anonymous Content
Director: Brad Silberling
EP/Head of Commercials: Dave Morrison
Head of Production: Sue Ellen Clair
Producer: Nadine Brown

Editorial: Union Editorial/LA
Editor: Nick Lofting
EP: Michael Raimondi
Producer: Joe Ross

Post/Effects: Riot/SM
VFX Supervisor: Andrew MacDonald
VFX Producer: Robert Owens
CG Supervisor: Bryant Reif

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