Jovenes de Puerto Rico - Boy in Puerto Rico Gets Killed Over a Blocked Shot

"Boy in Puerto Rico Gets Killed Over a Blocked Shot" reads the youtube title of this film, sure to entice rubberneckers to stop by and see what the fuss is about. As the fight begins, the screen encourages you to "like" the clip to save the boys life. Many people do, but alas.... It doesn't help. And that's the point! Likes never stop evil from happening, quite yer slacktivism already! It's signed off from Jovenes de Puerto Rico in Riesgo, and points you to the website where you can get activated instead of slactivated. Another ad in this campaign is Girl gets terribly bullied and drops out of school.

It's pretty clever with that "Like if" idea too, since those suckered into liking the ad, are actually spreading it. (Check it out on youtube and like it while you're at it)

Jóvenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo - Puerto Rico Youth at Risk

Client: Jóvenes de Puerto Rico en Riesgo
Advertising Agency: DDB Latina Puerto Rico
Creative Director: Enrique Renta, Manuel Bordé, Santiago Cuesta
Art Director: Luis Figueroa, Juan Carlos López, Gabriel Sánchez
Copywriter: Manuel Bordé, Santiago Cuesta
Digital planners: Jose Ramón González, Janette Robles

First publish: April 2012

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