Johnnie Walker new Dogfight spot shot in undisclosed location

While editing on location is becoming increasingly common, a recent collaboration for Johnnie Walker between Director Michael Geoghegan (The Pink Film Company) and Cut + Run Editor Leo King involved anything but. Veiled in secrecy, the shoot took the director and editor to a military aircraft carrier in an undisclosed location. King and his assistant Ben Campbell set up the ultimate mobile editing suite (a folding table with laptops) and, adorned with hardhats, cut the spot.

"On set we collaborated closely with both the director and the visual effects supervisor, experiencing the excitement of the production process all the while working out the edit," says editor Leo King. "The ultimate goal - creating an edit that brings the director's vision to life - is the same no matter where you edit, but on-location cutting places you in the thick of the action which is exciting and offers everyone the advantages of seeing it come together in one place." "Dogfight" announces Johnnie Walker's sponsorship of Team McLaren Mercedes.

"The unique nature of the location made it all the more exhilarating," adds Ben Campbell. "The production company was only allowed to shoot in certain directions because it is a military craft which added a level of intrigue."

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