Jerry O’Connell parodies Tom Cruise

the parody video Tom Cruise WANTS you to see! on

We interrupt our super bowl gossip to show you a funny or die video which is - *gasp* - actually funny. Jerry O’Connell bravely parodies the recent scientology "pep-talk with Tom Cruise" video. Now Xenu and the thetans (which would be such an awesome band name btw) are going to have to kick his ass.

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TruthInAdvertising's picture

He's got that manic creepy laughter down.

Dabitch's picture

It's the waving hand movements that get me. Spot on.

purplesimon's picture

Uncanny. Love the KFC comment most.

andromeda's picture

I never thought I'd say this, but Jerry O’Connell is ten kinds of awesome.

Allan1's picture

But, hey, he was the fat kid in "Stand by me".
He just hates when people say that! :-)

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

Dabitch's picture

That was him!? Oh this explains why I've always had the "what have I seen this guy in before..?" feeling whenever I see him. I never once made the connection (I'm so terrible at keeping track of actors resumés).

tod.brody's picture

That's why we have imdb. Only about 75% accurate, but better than nothing.