Ah yes, a school, a classroom and of course children busy drawing. This opening is seen in almost as many ads in adland as the classic wedding scene. But, one child only draws with the black crayon, and fills the paper with black.
There's a twist at the end of course - and it might even take you hardened adgrunts by surprise.
"How can you encourage a child? Use your imagination."
AC: Support the children's foundation
charmingly creepy.
no wait - creepily charming.
yes. that's it.
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Permalinkjapanese art in a nutshell.
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PermalinkCreative, indeed very creative!
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PermalinkVery cool. Suggests everything from the difference between the "weird" kid and the "brilliant" kid, to the old stories of all the geniuses who were considered hopeless by their grade school teachers.
Not to mention Ritalin...
Nice twist that the kid knew what he was doing all along.
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