AdCrap Recap - Week 26

Get your fill of Adland goodness with a quick recap of last week's ups and downs.

Down: More annoying media on the way with blinking ad blimps and ads beamed into cars.
Up: Cool Amnesty International ads from Denmark which won Bronze at Cannes.
Up: Cartoon Network's Crazy Billboards.
Up: The Official Adland Advertising Tutorial: Part Six - Creating TV Commercials
Up: Proof TV isn't dead - Part 1 and Part 2
Down: Cannes Titanium winner ends up in badland
Up: Guinness - 'Noitulove' wins Grand Prix
Busted: So far, nobody has returned a Gold Cyber Lion to Farfar who claims to have lost one.

Seems animal ads were the theme of last week:
Transavia - Fly birdie! - (2006) :30 (Romania)

Ikea - Cow Bingo - (2006) :30 (Germany)

Kerry - Low Low Cheese - (2006) :30 (UK)

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