In Japan, you can marry your Waifu or Husbando

Gateboxlab has launched a clever little market research portal that has already gotten press worldwide. They launched a portal that will recognize marriages between you and your waifu or husbando. That's your anime crush, but Gatebox only recognizes a marriage to a single waifu or husbando per person, so you're going to have to choose.

This is a clever way of getting solid market research. Gatebox produces a product called Virtual Home Robot. The device projects a small holographic image of an anime girl which responds to voice commands, just like the cool holographs you've seen in the movies. The characters are useful too, they can act like virtual assistants which can turn on lights, appliances, play music and keep in contact with the owner through a smartphone app.

The Gatebox Virtual Home Robot currently features only two anime girls. One is an original Gatebox creation called Hikari Azuma while the other is famous virtual diva Hatsune Miku . Collecting waifu registrations is a quick way to gather feedback on which character they should add next. The Gatebox marriage FAQ tells us that they also accept same sex marriages.

As a bonus to anyone clicking the Gateboxlab marriage link, you'll find there's a job offer further down on the page. If you're lucky enough to get hired and have a registered anime marriage, you're entitled to receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 yen (S$60.65) on top of your salary. Bonus two is that you'll get your waifu's birthday as a day off.

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