Jack in the box - Marry Bacon - (2012) :30 (USA)

OK, fess up, who here hasn't wanted to hear a priest say "You may now eat the bride"? C'mon.

StruckAxiom, a digital-forward creative agency based here and with offices in New York, LA, and Salt Lake City, today announced they have combined forces with Secret Weapon Marketing, creative agency of record for Jack in the Box, the San-Diego based restaurant chain, to create a “Marry Bacon” campaign promoting their new BLT Cheeseburger Combo. www.struckaxiom.com www.secretweapon.net

The overall campaign concept, created by Secret Weapon Marketing, features a guy who loves bacon so much that he marries it. Targeting young fast food lovers, the campaign launches with a StruckAxiom-created digital engagement at marrybacon.com.

Nick Fletcher, DVP of Marketing Communications for Jack in the Box, comments, "The Marry Bacon campaign is a great example of why we chose to work with StruckAxiom. We know our audience is digitally focused, and we wanted to create online engagements that amplify our traditional strategies. This campaign reflects their sophisticated and strategic approach in design, technology and planning.”

StruckAxiom, widely known for its work on DreamWork’s Shrek Forever After and PepsiCo’s Gatorade, won the Jack in the Box digital agency of record account on December 15, 2011.

Creative Director: Matt Anderson
Developer: Matt Austin
Developer: Eric Atwell
Interactive Designer: Josh Balleza
Interactive Producer: Hannah Carmody
IT Specialist: Jon Deal
Lead Developer: Max Folley
Junior Developer: David Gilvar
Senior Interactive Producer: Pati Goodell
U/X Designer: Nate Goss
Senior Account Manager: Stephen Grieco
Strategist/Account Director: John Gross
Quality Assurance Engineer: Brian Jolley
Associate Technical Director: Ryan Kee
Interactive Art Director: Mark Kellar
Developer: Amos Lanka
Interactive Art Director: Abe Levin
Interactive Designer: Adam Meyer
Developer: Thomas Mulloy

Dick Sittig, Founder & Creative Director
Fiona Forsyth, Executive Producer
Leah Dieterich, Associate Creative Director
Reece Hoverkamp, Associate Creative Director
Brian Hallisey, Copywriter
Neil Desai, Art Director
Scott Myers, Copywriter
Janete Chun, Art Director
Joanne O'Brien, Group Account Director
Alexis Varian, Account Supervisor

Nick Fletcher, DVP of Marketing Communications
Andrea Shuff, Senior Manager Marketing Communications
Lauren Perley, Digital Communications Manager

Groom: Mark Saul

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

OK, so Gay marriage is illegal, but you can marry dead pig strips? Seriously?

AnonymousCoward's picture

the ad is stupid and makes fun of marriage. What jerk thought this one up?

AnonymousCoward's picture

Stupidest commercial I have ever seen. If you can't do any better you should seriously think about getting a new ad agency. We like cute and clever but this goes way beyond that. Think I will reconsider trying jack burgers again.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This is the most twisted and offensive commercial I've seen in a while. Doesn't help that it shows every time I watch Hulu. Hulu, take it off!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

The worst comercial ever!!!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Agreed! Worst commercial ever! Disturbing on so many levels.

AnonymousCoward's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

That is the funniest ad ever! Omg Ty

AnonymousCoward's picture

Did you change ad agencies? The last two commercials are the worst on TV

AnonymousCoward's picture

Of all the dumb commercials I have ever seen this is at the top of the DUMB LIST. Get a new ad agency! Perhaps you should use a 3 year old for better results.. WHAT AN INSULT TO EVERY VIEWER.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I couldn't agree with the commenters more. Those "marry bacon" commercial are disgusting, offensive, and downright creepy. I refuse to eat at Jack in the Box again until they pull those ads. I noticed on the Jack in the Box public figure page on Facebook, people are outraged over this commercial. Jack in the Box needs to listen up and "smell the bacon" so to speak, and realize that normal people are very offended by this commercial. Only 12 year old boys might like the commercial. Ugh.

AnonymousCoward's picture

who is the actor?

AnonymousCoward's picture

Disgusting! I have always admired the Jack commercials as clever but this is really stupid and off-putting!

AnonymousCoward's picture

I find this ad so offensive.

In a world where I can not marry the person I love, they can make an ad where a man can marry a piece of bacon! Really? Are you kidding me? And then the tag line at the end “You may eat the bride!”, what’s that?

So much for the “sanctity of marriage”!

AnonymousCoward's picture

This is the stupidest commercial I have ever seen. This is no way would entice me to eat anything at Jack In The Box. As a matter of fact I have not eaten there since all those people died from eating that tainted meat years ago. This commercial is stupid, offensive and it truly makes me turn the channel anytime it comes on! DISGUSTING,

AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm not eatin at JTB until this commercial is taken off the air (and Hulu)... It's offensive.

AnonymousCoward's picture

The comments cracked me up! Where is all the hate coming from? Quirky little ad...

AnonymousCoward's picture

A new low in Jack in the Box commercials. Can't believe a company exec in charge of advertising approved this. the agency should be dismissed; maybe the exec too.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I think this just might be JTB's way of telling the fundie xtians that "marriage" is NOT defined as between one man and one woman. Card suits in bridge can be "married". Flavors need to be allowed to "marry" in recipes. This is just one more and I think its great!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Sorry but Jack sure dropped the ball on this one. By far the worst commercial Jack and the boys have ever created. Up until now, I thought every one of their ads were fun to watch. How dissapointing to see this one on super bowl day. PLEASE get that bacon wedding crap off the air..Thank you!

AnonymousCoward's picture

"Eat" is a slang term for cunnilingus. The marriage official is telling the new groom he can now perform oral sex on his new bride. The FCC should pull the ad and fine the company.

AnonymousCoward's picture

WORST EVER....how sick...can one person be??

AnonymousCoward's picture

I find it offensive and insulting. I contacted Jack in the Box and told them how I feel and that I won't eat there until they stop airing the commercial. Everyone should do the same.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Previous comments say it all: worst commercial ever. Stupid, insulting, just plain gross. If this is the work of a new ad agency, Jack needs to switch back IMMEDIATELY, before this collection of incompetents destroys his business!

AnonymousCoward's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

What a bunch of uptight retards you guys are.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This commercial IS hilarious!!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Loved it.

AnonymousCoward's picture

This commercial IS hilarious!!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Commercial is awesome!!!!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Hilarious entertainment

purplesimon's picture

Those comments are from two people, right?

Dabitch's picture

You'd be surprised at how many IP# are involved.

Kristen Hernandez's picture


Can I assume you did not intend to satire gay marriage rights? For me, I applaud the ad. In fact, I was hoping that the ad was a satire against gay marriage. I, for one, stand for the Lord, the God of my salvation, the Creator of heaven and earth. The Judge for all of us. I declare that His Holy Bible is foundational for marriage, a sacred institution. My satire is "I want to marry my pet rock!" Therefore, I want to have all the rights, privileges, and benefits from a marital relationship before the State and Federal U.S. government. When I deem that my pet rock has died, I want my fair share of the inheritance as the one remaining and surviving spouse. You ad fits nicely with my satire! Again, I assume you did not, at all, mean to relate thusly. Nevertheless, the ad fits my "take"! For this, perhaps, unintention, THANK YOU for the ad! ps or "post script": I personally think that if "Jack-in-the-Box" would come out of the box and declare that you stand for biblical principals and the ways of God that you might just be blessed by God. Even if you lose some business, a stand for God will reap the admiration of the many faithful believers and followers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Give me a company that stands on solid principles, solid ground, and that company will earn the right of passage among the elites that wears the badge of social responsibility with eternal values!

kidsleepy's picture

Kristen Hernandez--I know it's April Fools and all, but just in case you aren't joking-- there's this thing we used to say on the playground when we were kids-- "if you like it so much why don't you marry it." I *think* that's probably what they were going for, and not in fact, taking a stand on gay marriage. Especially since um, this ad came out last year. But thanks for your creative interpretation.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Yeah, this is based on that childhood chant. I don't understand why everyone is so upset.

Tim's picture

I just came across this & I'm curious who the "groom" was in this ad? (No comment on the moral arguments.)

Dabitch's picture

The actor who marries bacon is Mark Saul. He can also be seen in as a teenage boy in this 2001 Expedia "House party" commercial.