It's for toothpaste?

Well it's not exactly front page news, but I hoped Adlanders out there might enjoy counting the number of ways in which this ad is just...wrong. It was discovered in a magazine recently and has had jaws dropping all over my agency. You have to see this to believe it.


(click on image for larger view)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Oh my! I bet they couldn't get that kid to stop smiling.

RLDavies's picture

I've always had the niggling doubt at the back of my mind whether this was real.

I can now say that the product, at least, is real. There was an advert for Beverly Hills Formula tooth stuff in this weekend's Telegraph supplement. Not this ad, though.

Dabitch's picture

You're onto something there, damn close to genius.

It's somewhat funny that this ad is rathed higher than , for example, the latest Sony Bravia ad.

mikemystery's picture

its and astonishing thing that ad, i've got it on my wall. i wouldn't even know how to approach coming up with something like that. It makes my brain hurt. Up is down, black is white. Its not just bad. its anti bad. I goes through bad and out the other side. A realm so close to genius you cant see the join. Its astonishing. Can't wait for the next one. I believe it will actually drive people insane when they gaze upon it's terrible glory. there's only so much the human brain can handle.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Making fun of this ad is like making fun of retarded kids. It's not even fair.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Shower is perfectly dry... same for the woman, and her hair is perfect. I never caught my girlfriend this way in the shower no matter how much I tried!

The boy's eyeline shows he *is* looking her right in the face, but her eyeline seems to be focused above his head. Might they have been shot separately and comp'd together?

No matter. This ad stinks. The payoff is not there .

The discovery that you've been duped into spending 10 seconds figuring out what it's about, followed by the realization you've just lost 10 seconds of your life doing just that, is depressing. What a waste.

RLDavies's picture

It seems to be English... but I am VERY relieved to say that I've never seen it. God knows what magazines it's been running in.

AnonymousCoward's picture

....which explains why all we saw was her tonsils in the "Beverly Hills Formula Full Frontal Nudity Cream" ad.

Now run along James, and tell that boy cleaning the pool I can see him now.

kidsleepy's picture

least it wasn't his dad.

Dabitch's picture

I thought so too at first, but it's been pointed out to me that the thing on the left is actually the shiny shiny sink. What a gawdawful bathroom.

kurtberengeiger's picture

I can hardly wait to see the follow-up mouthwash advert...

makethelogobigger's picture

New viral from Crispin?


"That shit happens to me every time I'm in Beverly Hills."

I get that a lot in North Jersey too.

So how bad? Hmmm, well, on a moral-biblical level, we

Robblink's picture

Yikes! I think the kid modeled for free that day.

bluelobster's picture

Where I come from, we have a word to describe something this mindnumbingly bad...


AnonymousCoward's picture

That shit happens to me every time I'm in Beverly Hills.

silver3's picture

How Beverly Hills can it be?

It didn't mention Paris Hilton or herpes.

caffeinegoddess's picture

It's English right? Let's just wait for the complaints to come in through the ASA...bannage is just around the corner. ;)

James Trickery's picture

This ad is wrong on so many levels. And that toothpaste is bigger than the kid!

Dabitch's picture

Unfrickin'belivable! That is the best worst ad I've ever seen.

That kid is having the time of his on this shoot isn't he?

Dabitch's picture

Debate continues on Flickr where someone reposted the image and then that got dugg. Shame we didn't get dugg. *pout*

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

This is the weirdest