The Iranian American Women Foundation (IAWF) launch billboard campaign to raise awareness and visibility regarding Mahsa Amin & #womenlifefreedom

At the recently sold-out Iranian American Women Foundation (IAWF)'s conference that took place in San Francisco on October 16, 2022, in dedication to Mahsa Amin many things were discussed. Current topics like cutting your hair in solidarity, women's rights, women's empowerment, leadership, and togetherness, and how women are fighting for all of these things in Iran. 

As the IAWF is the largest Iranian women's nonprofit in the United States, they felt the urgency in continuing their support to honor all of the brave women and girls who have lost their lives in the name of freedom in Iran, and who currently continue to risk their lives for women's rights.

100 women cut off their hair during the conference a symbol of solidarity and support for the women of Iran fighting for their basic human rights. This hair was placed in white envelopes and sent to the UN Mission of The Islamic Republic.

Wanting to reach more people across America, IAWF has made it a priority to raise awareness and visibility. 

Through public visibility, IAWF aims to uplift the voices of Iranian women in order to bring national and international attention to their efforts in fighting for freedom. 

To date, IAWF has taken over three billboards in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C., installed as a result of the generous contributions of its supporters, all with the goal of bringing awareness to the plight of women in Iran.

The digital billboards names Mahsa Amini and many others who have lost their lives in their fight for freedom. The words and/or hashtag #womenlifefreedom can be seen on all three billboards.

IAWF's most recent billboard in Los Angeles launched Monday, October 25, and can be seen at the corner of Olympic and Sepulveda with the hashtags #womanlifefreedom and #endviolence. The billboard will be on display for at least four weeks.

To date, IAWF has taken over three billboards in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington D.C., installed as a result of the generous contributions of its supporters, all with the goal of bringing awareness to the plight of women in Iran.

The digital billboards names Mahsa Amini and many others who have lost their lives in their fight for freedom. The words and/or hashtag #womenlifefreedom can be seen on all three billboards.

IAWF also sponsored a mobile digital billboard in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, October 22. The digital billboard truck joined demonstrators and circled the National Mall. The intention for Saturday's efforts was to bring maximum awareness to the community at large; a direct extension of IAWF's visibility initiatives.

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