Introducing Wired design - where your million dollar idea gets you zip, nada, nuthin

Wired are in hot water after coming up with the "Wired Design" idea, the comments get straight to the meat of the matter: Wired says in the TOS they own it all and you get zip. posting, uploading, transmitting, sending or otherwise making available Content, registering for the Service, entering a sweepstakes or contest, or engaging in any other form of communication with us (on or through the Service or otherwise) you irrevocably grant us a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide right and license to copy, reproduce, modify, edit, crop, alter, revise, adapt, translate, enhance, reformat, remix, rearrange, resize, create derivative works of, move, remove, delete, erase, reverse-engineer, store, cache, aggregate, publish, post, display, distribute, broadcast, perform, transmit, rent, sell, share, sublicense, syndicate, or otherwise provide to others, use, or change all such Content and communications, in any medium (now in existence or hereinafter developed) and for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and to authorize others to do so. Among other things, this means that we may use any ideas, suggestions, developments, and/or inventions that you post, upload, transmit, send or otherwise make available in any manner as we see fit without any compensation or attribution to you.

Errr... Eff that. Here are some choice reactions, as it's not just the overreaching TOS that bothers people, it's also the way they introduced the "everyone is a designer" idea.

SquintonGreen said:

Terrible analogy. Absolutely terrible. Not only have you done your fair share to cheapen what design means, but you've successfully convinced someone who puts posters of Justin Beiber on their walls that they are a designer.
That's wrong. Using your analogy, it's like me believing that I'm qualified to practice medicine simply because I helped set a friend's dislocated shoulder.
See what I mean? I applaud your efforts to write about the democratiztion of design in an accessible way (at least, I assume that's what's going to happen here), but please be more careful in your choice of words.

Hat tip Leslie Burns

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