Internet Ad Virus - looks like another Mahir trick.

Here we go again.

If you have seen you might have had a sense of Deju Vu.. Another media-virus internet site? Oh yes, but it gets even better than that.....

Earlier you might have read the articles about the, and created by Paul and Linus at Fallon (US) for their client BuddyLee.

King Frank shares it's main goal with those sites by being a "mediavirus" as well - a spoof site about a nutty photographer, and Diesel is the clothing brand behind it this time.

The site updates quite frequently and at one point it was one of the most frequented sites in Germany of all places.

The Diesel account is still over at Paradiset in Stockholm.


You might now know this, but before Paul and Linus seeked fame at Fallon they were working at Paradiset in Stockholm, on the Diesel account of all things.

I've seen funny coincidences before but this one was the best one this week! :)

"Lika barn leka bäst" is an expression is Swedish meaning "children that are alike play together best".

Apparently Paul and Linus and their old collegues really think alike. Go figure.

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