International symbol for nursing mothers competition

nursing mother Via creativethink blog we found Mothering magazines icon search for an international symbol that means "nursing mother". After getting over fivehundred entries, they've distilled it down to twelve finalists and you can cast your vote on which one you find the easiest to understand.

Personally I like icon eight the best - this is a great idea and can we please get small "nursing stations" available at train stations and airports sometime this millenium? As a nursing mother (yes, still.) I've developed that good old "tent-trick" where my coat turns my arms into my babies own personal private space. This isn't to hide away from prying eyes - I could care less what y'all think when my baby is hungry, to be honest - but to sheild her from light and noise and me from the cold which can be to much of a distraction for a succesful feed. A place to sit down somewhere which isn't the dirty loo or noisy café would make life so much easier when we travel. Yeay for nursing stations!

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TDD's picture

I also think icon eight is the best one. I find icon eight the easiest to understand.