The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia - Moonbeam - (2008) :30 (Canada)

Wasserman + Partners explain their strategy:

"When we started to identify different dirty driver habits, the offenders actually did sound like members of a support group," says Liam Greenlaw, Creative Director at Wasserman + Partners. "It also offered a point of view through humour that may make the viewers realize they might also be guilty of a little dirty driving."

Liam Greenlaw : Creative Director/ art director / copy
Steve Zaozirny : Copywriter
Karen Brown : Agency Producer
Karen Silver : Executive Producer
JC Doucet : Producer
Director: Liam Greenlaw
Production Company : The Garden, Toronto
Editorial: JMB Post, Vancouver
Music/Sound Design: Wave Sound Productions, Vancouver
Digital Producer: Karen Brown, Peter Lanfear
Developer: Dave Olsson
Production Company: The Garden, Toronto
Director: Liam Greenlaw
Executive Producer: Karen Silver
Director of Photography: Stewart Whelan
Line Producer: JC Doucet
Editorial: JMB Post, Vancouver
Music/Sound Design: Wave Sound Productions, Vancouver

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