Indoor advertising on Indian billboards.

We just received a submission from Grey Worldwide, New Delhi, India of a billboard that has already been making the adblog rounds. It advertises - a domain which currently contains a link farm but previously hosted the shelter rights campaign, a citizen's initiative to address the problems of the homeless in Delhi. The poster ran last year in the spring of 2006.

It reminds me just a tad of the 1995 Badlander 'parkbench media' in its thinking. The Crispin & Porter campaign used traditional media to show that the outdoors was someone elses home.

Agency: Grey Worldwide, New Delhi, India
Creative Directors: Sandipan Bhattacharyya, Manoj Deb
Art Director: Manoj Deb
Copywriter: Aparaksha Mukherjee
Year and country of release: 2006, India

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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alex's picture

Hmm. Clever on first glance, then not so clever. Firstly, what's indoor advertising when it's at home (no pun intended)? Secondly, it's trying to raise awareness of homeless people by saying 'hey, people are sleeping outside you know'! In India, of all places!

No, it's someone trying to win an award again, surely?

Dabitch's picture

I wonder how effective it was since the domain in the ad has been bought by a linkfarmer already.

alex's picture

Aye. Or whether there was any real link in the first place...