Perhaps UMLO did their research so well and know that I'm a right geek who always reads my email with a monospaced font (these days it's Monaco). Perhaps they were just lucky. In any case, I really dug the ascii art they sent me this morning. Read more to see it.
My love~E "M, .mM" IMIm ,mIM" ,MI:"IM,mIMm "IMmm, ,IM::::IM::IM, ,m" "IMMIMMIMm::IM:::::IM""==mm ,mIM" __ ,mIM::::::MIM:::::::IM::::mIMIM" ,mMIMIMIIMIMM::::::::mM::::::::IMIMIMIMMM" IMM:::::::::IMM::::::M::::::::IIM:::::::MM, "IMM::::::::::MM:::M:::::::IM:::::::::::IM, "IMm::::::::IMMM:::::::IM:::::::::::::IM, "Mm:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::IM, IM:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::::IM, MM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::::::::::::::::IM "IM::::::::IM:::::::IM:::::::::::::::::IM;. "IM::::::::MM::::::::IM::::::::::mmmIMMMMMMMm,. IM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::mIMIMM"""". .. "IMMMM "IM::::::::IM::::::mIMIMM"". . . . . .,mM" "M IMm:::::::IM::::IIMM" . . . . . ..,mMM" "IMMIMIMMIMM::IMM" . . . ._.,mMMMMM" ,IM". . ."IMIM". . . .,mMMMMMMMM" ,IM . . . .,IMM". . . ,mMMMMMMMMM" IM. . . .,mIIMM,. . ..mMMMMMMMMMM" ,M"..,mIMMIMMIMMIMmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM" IM.,IMI""" ""IIMMMMMMMMMMM ;IMIM" ""IMMMMMMM "" "IMMMMM "IMMM "IMM, "IMM "MM, IMM, ______ __ ______ "IMM__ .mIMMIMMIMMIMMIMM, .,mIMMIMMIMM, ,mIMM, IMM""" ,mIM". . . . "IM,..M, ,IMMM' . . . "IMM. "M, IMM ,IM". . . . / :;IM M, .mIM' . . . / .:"IM. MM "MM, ,M". . . / .;mIMIMIM, M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,IMIMIMMM IMM ,M". . / .:mIM"' "IM,:M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,mIM" `"IMM IMM IM. . / .mM" "IMI ,IM . . / . .:;,mIM" "IMMMMM MM,. / ,mM "M' IM'. . / . .;,mIM" "IIMMM ,IMIM,.,IM" IM . . / . .,mIM" IMMMMMMM' """ `IM,. / ;,mIM" IIMMM "IMI, /,mIM" __IMMM "IMMMM" """IMM "" IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM IMM IMM IMM __IMM """IMM IMM IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM Umlo knows Typography When two souls, which have sought each other for however long in the throng, have finally found each other a union ensues, this union is love, true love, a religion, which deifies the loved one, whose life comes from devotion and passion, and for which the greatest sacrifices are the sweetest delights. Umlo know typography. Based on a love letter by Victor Hugo 1821. Typography and Artwork Studio for print and screen Rates from Ģ28 per hour / 24 hour studio Umlo Typography Studio 36 Highfield Street Earl Shilton Leicestershire Tel / Fax +44 (0)1455 450 952 Mobile / +44(0)7905 349 739 Please accept this email with our love Umlo Master Typographers
My only nitpick is that it is a little wide.