IKEA - The First Wireless Bungee Jump - (2015) 3:04 (Belgium)

In medias res is a narrative technique which means 'in the middle' - the narrative begins at a crucial point in the action and then takes us back to discover how we got there. It's used cleverly in this ad by IKEA which debuts the world's first wireless bungee jump - and yes, they used no wires whatsoever. The stylistic choice of opening with a bungee jumper leaping into air without any visible support means we are immediately compelled to know both what happens next and what measures they’ve taken to possibly survive.

I really enjoyed this surprising film, and it's testament to the organic and natural documentary-making style that 3 minutes of what is essentially branded content zips by.

Made by DDB Brussels, the agency asks:

A wireless bungee jump? Is it possible? The era of wireless is finally here.

Client: IKEA
Agency: DDB Brussels

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