Does anyone else want to pull the little blue squares at ideas on ideas or is that some AD/designer damage I've suffered? ;) I can't help myself when I get there. *pull pull* So kyoot!
But that's not at all why I was posting, instead it's to tell y'all that they've just made a pretty heavy new post Branding tragedy.
We are all becoming voyeurs, but not participants. We may comment and criticize the events we view on television, but progressively we become more distanced from the things that we watch. The lens is a sensational tool in that it distorts reality, and allows us a layer of removal, through which we can absolve ourselves of responsibility. We can claim ignorance of real news, while we distract ourselves with the foibles of celebrity. Frankly, I think that most of us would much rather critique Paris Hilton traipsing about in her underwear, than discuss genocide in Sudan.
We didn’t pull the trigger, but we may very well have built a good part of the gun.