ICA - Ulf videobloggar / Gott nytt år - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

In this "video-blog" created by Ulf, one of the Ica people, he acts and speaks exactly like some of the more well known video & fashion bloggers in Sweden. I'll try my best to translate it.

"Heya blog!
- Yeah, the old year is almost over , like, who cares?
- eehm, tonights outfit - works. Pretty glassig [this means suave but is also almost the word for ice-cream which he holds up].
- Yeah, uh, chicken filé - if you want to be as handsome as me - haha
[Boss enters asking: "...And what are you doing in here?"]
- Eh, nothing! Just this weeks reduced price items!
- My boss, so totally unhip, like, who cares? Not me anyway! Aauuhm - mMm! - HAPPY NEW YEAR all my blog-readers, eh, watchers. Euhm, yeah, cyas!

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