IBM - Ode to Server X Series (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

What still amazes me is that what once was big, blue, cold and boring is now so utterly charming.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg gif png wav avi mpeg mpg mov rm flv wmv 3gp mp4 m4v.
AnonymousCoward's picture

I have tried everything to see this commercial but I only hear sound on my computer. I have even tried on a couple of different friend's computers but nothing. What can I do?

Dabitch's picture

That sounds exactly like the problem depicted in the FAQ - sound but no picture.

It means that you are lacking a component in Quicktime and need to either just run the QT menubar -> "Help" -> "Update existing Software" (In Quicktime menubar) or just plain download a new one and upgrade.

You might also find the apple Quicktime installion check useful.

Could be mapping problems too, but I'm not repeating all that geektalk here as it'll run off the page, see the Frequently Asked Questions for that.