“I Happen to Like New York” - A Loving Tribute to New Yorkers and the City’s Front-Line Workers

There have been many heartwarming stories to come out of the COVID-19 crisis in New York, but perhaps none as emotionally resonant as the nightly salute to the front-line workers who literally put their life on the line every day.


Each evening at 7 p.m., New Yorkers gather on streets (at a safe distance, of course) or lean out of their windows, banging saucepans, clapping, cheering and hollering as exhausted healthcare workers make their way home after a shift.


It’s noisy, passionate and emotional: A quintessential New York salute.


“It’s quite emotional and cathartic—a little reprieve every night,” says Arts & Sciences director Matt Lenski, a native New Yorker who has turned video footage of the nightly salute into a powerful new PSA for the United Way.


The resulting video, “I Happen to Like New York,” was conceived as a way for Lenski and Arts & Sciences to capture the true spirit of New York—which has maintained its resolve despite being one of the hardest-hit cities during the COVID-19 crisis. Equally important, the PSA serves as a way to both celebrate and create awareness of the New York chapter of the United Way, which has been working tirelessly during the COVID crisis to provide support and resources to New Yorkers in need.


And just as New Yorkers are coming together to cheer during difficult times, they also came together to create this film. Lenski, Arts & Sciences and their New York sales rep Tara Averill, spearheaded the effort by asking fellow NYC production partners, friends and clients to contribute a single shot that captured their perspective of the nightly salute.  From banging pans, to sounding notes on a trumpet and in one case using a pair of oversized foam core hands to applaud workers, Arts & Sciences was overwhelmed by the powerful and inspiring images of New Yorkers saluting essential workers all across the five boroughs.


“It shows up in all sorts of ways that we would never have expected,” says Lenski. “Some shots have been really heart-felt and others have been humorous. People are experiencing this in so many different ways.”


The soundtrack, provided by Walker, is “I Happen to Like New York,” a semi-obscure song by cabaret singer Bobby Short (described by The New York Times in his 2005 obituary as an “icon of Manhattan song and style”) that begins as a simple three-note piano figure before building into a full-blown paean to the city that never sleeps.


Lenski says the first priority for the film was to ensure that it was “exceedingly New York,” which meant looking beyond obvious song selections for one that would appeal directly to the city’s residents. “It has a very New York way about it that is absolutely perfect,” says Lenski. “It’s the New York-iest New York thing: It has both the right attitude and credibility, and just the right amount of nostalgia.”


Title: I Happen to Like New York

Client: United Way New York City


Production Company: Arts & Sciences

Director/Creative Director: Matt Lenski

Partner: Matt Aselton

Managing Director: Mal Ward

Managing Director: Marc Marrie

Executive Producer: John Benson

Executive Producer: Tara Averill

Head of Production: Christa Skotland

Producer: Kristin Porter


Editorial: Mackenzie Cutler

Editor: Dave Koza

Editor: Brendan Hogan

Assistant Editor: Zoë Newman

Executive Producer: Gina Pagano

Flame Artist: Jimmy Hayhow

Mixer: Sam Shaffer



Music: Walker

Song: I Happen to Like New York by Bobby Short

Sr. Executive Producer: Sara Matarazzo

Executive Producer: Stephanie Pigott

Executive Producer: Abbey Hendrix

Producer: Danielle Soury

Chief Engineer: Christopher Keyes


Title Design & Animation: Work-Order

Creative Director: Keira Alexandra

Creative Director: Kiffer Keegan

Designer & Animator: Antoine Mauron

Project Manager: Rusty Van Riper


Illustrator: Carolyn Figel



Special thanks to the following for contributing footage:

Amy Henry

Andy Lilien

Clement Price Thomas

Connor Todd

Cynthia Medina

Daniel Navetta

Dave Williams

Dina Clay

Emily Moore

Eric Oglander

Greg Chan

John Benson

John Robertson

Josh Griffiths

Kara Collier Ibanez

Lexie Robinson

Lucy Sheen

Mat Kim

Matt Lenski

Matt Pascuzzi

Melissa Barton

Mike Warzin

Murray + Maryanne Butler

Peter + Becky Donahue

Peter + Kate Deming

Raphael de Cardeneas

Ron Egozi

Roxanne Assoulin

Sam Levy

Shawn Regruto

Tara Averill


Trent Jacklitsch

Zack Grant

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