How Not To Get Someone To Click On Your Banner

So you create a banner ad, most likely to get someone to click on it to drive traffic to a location. Very few people use a banner ad for general branding (not to say that it's not a correct way to use them). Yesterday, while seeking out some information about a TV show I had recently discovered, I came across this PETA ad.

I'm sorry, but what is your target audience that wants to see David Cross naked? It sure as heck isn't me.

Had I not been in advertising, I wouldn't have even given it a second thought. But, really? Here's a nice example of getting people to actively NOT click on your ad. Although, I'd be curious to see what their CTR is for this...there are some weird people out there.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Sooooo, for naked females they use top models and sexy actresses, and in the naked male department they use comedians and self-styled stuntmen like Steve-O?

I'm tapping my foot here waiting for the day we get to see a nude Hugh Jackman cuddling a wolf. Get on it PETA.

caffeinegoddess's picture

That's what got me. Although I wonder who their target audience is with these guys.

Dabitch's picture

Clearly not the people who like a bit of meat..... Ahem. Sorry, that was a terrible innuendo.

caffeinegoddess's picture
