Hot on the heels of BK Flame fragrance there's Cheetos Lip Balm.

Since the Burger King "Flame" fragrance went so well (it sold out faster than you can say "no pickles"), other junk food producers want in on the game. Now there's Cheetos Lip Balm. It does exactly what you'd think, leaves an orange fatty residue and smells like cheetos.

Personally I'd rather get that look by burying my face in a bag of cheetos. In fact I'm wearing it right now, I look hot. *chomp chomp crunch*

Perhaps it's simply Chester being more mischievous than ever, fooling us all into looking like fools. "Felicia... Yes..... wear the Cheetos Chapstick. Go on. Mmmmmm." You have to obey Chester.

Hat tip tobedoo & seen on buzzfeed - photograph by fortune cookie on flickr.

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